Dictionary of abbreciations in e-Sim
- PTO — Political takeover — actions when a group/group of people gain enough citizenships in a targeted nation to gain control over its political offices
- CS — Citizenship — is required to have political privileges like: voting, running for congress etc
- CP — Country President — elected on the 5th of every month
- PL — Party Leader — elected on the 15th of every month
- CM — Congress Member — elected on the 25th of every month
- MoD — Ministry/Minister of Defense
- MoFA — Ministry/Minister of Foreign Affairs
- MoF — Ministry/Minister of Finance
- MoE — Ministry/Minister of Economics
- MU — Military Unit
- DS — Defense System
- DoW — Declaration of War — when a country declares war to another country
- MPP — Mutual Protection Pact — military alliance between two countries
- BH— Battle Hero — medal for dealing the highest damage in a battle
- SS — screenshot/ Super Soldier — medal for every 30 trainings
- DMG — Damage — the number added to walls in a battle
- Tank — Strong players who fight with Q5 quality weapons
- RW — Resistance War — war to liberate a region from occupant country
- WW — World War — an event where all countries fight eachother in teams
- NAP — Non-agression pact
- CW — Civil War
- T# — time in minutes left until the end of a round (T1, T2, T3...)
- HQ — Headquarters
- SC — Supreme Commander
- MC — Military Commander
- PD — Press Director
- ES — Economic skill
- SC — Stock Company
- MM — Monetary Market — a market where players exchange Gold and national currencies
- Gold or G — often mistaken for currency, a commodity required for a wide variety of actions in e-Sim, including creating and upgrading companies, initiating resistance wars, upgrading equipment, etc
- LC — Local Currency
- Q — Quality of products, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best) and 6 (only equipment)
- Vote [ V ] — abbreviation for "vote"
- Sub [ S ] — abbreviation for "subscribe"
- V + S — combination of vote and subscription
- Pertamax — citizens use this word when competing to make the first comment at any post or article
- PM — private message
- o/ or o7 — Salute
- DC — Day Change
- multi — Multiple Account(s)
- WTF — What The F*** (Also a disbanded Primera Alliance)
- Two-clicking — playing with minimum interaction with the game (usually only using the work and train features)
- BB — Babyboom (large number of new registered players)
- RL — Real Life
- TS — TeamSpeak
- GO — Game Operator
- SGO — Super Game Operator
- GOA — Game Operator Administrator
- dev — Game developer
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