E-Sim Wiki


The Auction module was presented in the Day 472 (Primera) and Day 117 (Secura) Where you had the chance to buy or sell companies, equips and more recently Special Items.


Bidding auctions

  • Bidders enter maximum acceptable price for them.
  • The price of the item is the second highest bid
  • The gold is taken from the account as the deposit
  • If you are outbid by other player, all the gold from the deposit is returned to your account
  • If you win the item - the price is second highest bid, the rest money from your deposit is moved back to your account.


Creating auctions

  • Creating an auction cost 1% of initial price (if you put a company on auction for 2 Gold, then you pay 0.02g fee)
  • There is a 2% fee paid by the auctioneer
  • The auction can only be canceled only if there are no bids
  • You can set duration of the action (from 1 to 48 hours)

If you go to your equips you only can set the equip on auction for 24h but if you go to MY PLACES>AUCTIONS you can choose the price and the time it will last in the auction.
